12506642_1502252080077895_1781861713_nSalut, un prieten de pe facebook ma rugat să public textul de mai jos, este vorba despre Dora și are mare nevoie de ajutorul nostru, mai multe citiți mai jos

Faceti cunostinta cu DORA. Are o poveste foarte trista si va rog sa o cititi. Este nascuta din parinti campioni, are pedigree si este in varsta de aproape 4 ani si a avut pana in prezent cel putin 4 stapani cunoscuti. Toti au fost nenorociti si si-au batut joc de acest suflet frumos.
Primii stapani au fost o familie, care au dat-o unor tineri, care apoi au dat-o unei fete de numai 14 ani, care la randul ei a dat-o unui pusti de numai 12 ani care a batut-o pana la lesin. Motivul pentru ca s-au intamplat toate acestea au fost pentru ca nu era agresiva. Este foarte blanda si ascultatoare si “stapanii” isi doreau un caine agresiv motiv pentru care au batut-o.
Acum are multiple contuzii, o fata tumefiata,
12506814_1502252083411228_367445308_n probleme in a-si mentine echilibrul, lesina daca isi lasa capul jos, toate din cauza batailor repetate primite in special in zona capului.
Povestea insa are si un final fericit, pentru ca acum este in siguranta la Melinda Smn care o va adopta si rasfata pana va uita anii acestia de cosmar.
Melinda insa are nevoie de ajutor in a acoperii facturile la veterinar. Are nevoie de ajutorul nostru pentru ca nu dispune de resursele necesare pentru a acoperi toate investigatiile si tratamentul de care Dora are nevoie.

Va rog sa ajutati cu orice suma puteti la :
Beneficiar : Simion Maria-Melinda
Cont Ron : RO39BTRLRONCRT0301243901
Paypal : madalin.maros@yahoo.com

Și pentru cei care nu știu românește 😀

Meet DORA. She has a very sad story and I want you all to read it. She was born with papers, she has a pedigree, she is about 4 years old and has had at least 4 known owners. All of them skum and shitty people.
She first was taken by a family, than was given to a young couple, then to a young girl of only 14 years old and last to a young boy 12 years old that beat thd hell out of her. The reason for this is that she wasn’t a agressive dog. She is so kind and gentle and the “owners” wanted an agressive dog, that is probably why she was beaten up, to make her more agressive.
She has a concusion, a swollen face, troubles walking because of the repeated hitting and the repeated beating on her head.

But this story has to have a happy end, she is now safe with Melinda Smn who wants to adopt her and spoil her until she forgets the heard life she has had.
But Melinda is having trouble covering the vet costs. She needs our support because there are a lot of money to be payed and she doesn’t have the resources.

Please help by donating whatever you can to :
Beneficiary : Simion Maria-Melinda
Cont Ron : RO39BTRLRONCRT0301243901
Paypal : madalin.maros@yahoo.com